What is advocacy work? What types of advocacy are there? What duties does it include? Why is it important?
The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged economies around the world. To tackle the damages caused by the pandemic, in late 2020 the European Union created an unprecedented stimulus package to support the recovery and investment efforts of member countries.
Oiza Queens Day Obasuyi of CILD talks about the push to change Italy’s citizenship law, which deprives so many children who were born in Italy of citizenship. Now, with a right-wing government set to take power, the future is more uncertain than ever.
Lithuania announced an extension to the state of emergency along its borders with Belarus and Russia until 16th December 2022. Minister of Internal Affairs Agnė Bilotaitė said that such a measure is necessary to stop hybrid attacks from Belarus and Russia
Civil liberties are natural rights inherent to every citizen which protects them from tyranny by the state. The degree to which these liberties are enjoyed by people is an important indicator of the quality of a given country’s democracy.
As a watchdog organisation, Liberties reminds politicians that respect for human rights is non-negotiable. We're determined to keep championing your civil liberties, will you stand with us? Every donation, big or small, counts.
Your contributions help us in the following ways
► Liberties remains independent
► It provides a stable income, enabling us to plan long-term
► We decide our mission, so we can focus on the causes that matter
► It makes us stronger and more impactful
As a watchdog organisation, Liberties reminds politicians that respect for human rights is non-negotiable. We're determined to keep championing your civil liberties, will you stand with us? Every donation, big or small, counts.
University students and staff protested several times in Athens against the deployment of police forces, the so-called University Institutions Protection Teams (OPPI) on university campuses
The Commission’s proposal to fight online child sexual abuse is well intentioned, but badly executed. It would threaten encryption and harm our fundamental rights, including children's. Even without authoritarianism on the rise, this would be dangerous.
LGBT is an umbrella term capturing anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender. There are many definitions of sexual orientation to describe a person’s ways of relating sexually to others, beyond the binary of homosexual or heterosexual.
Regulating political advertising is a highly contentious issue, and each EU country has its own sets of laws. But they have one thing in common: the clear (and growing) threat to free and fair elections posed by uneven, outdated advertising rules.
As NGOs become increasingly popular, and essential, in the public sector, it’s important to understand the role they play in society and the impact they have globally and locally. But what is an NGO, how does it function, and what is its purpose?
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