Democracy & Justice

More Than 2,000 Migrants Living on the Streets of Paris

Massive migrant camps have re-emerged in recent days in Paris. A census carried out by the NGO France Terre d'Asile last week counted 2,039 people. "At this rate, we will reach 3,000 in February and 4,000 in March,”...

by LibertiesEU
Port de la Chapelle in Paris |Photo: InfoMigrants

Massive migrant camps have re-emerged in recent days in Paris. A census carried out by the NGO France Terre d'Asile last week counted 2,039 people. "At this rate, we will reach 3,000 in February and 4,000 in March,” said Pierre Henry, the managing director of the organisation. The camps in Paris almost disappeared last spring after the removal of 1,500 people. The number of asylum seekers increased last year by 45% in Île-de-France, the region that surrounds France’s capital. The regional prefecture has promised the creation of 1,200 new accommodation places throughout 2019.

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