Based on the Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy and the 2012-2014 action plan, the European Union has made considerable progress in improving the impact and coherence of its actions on human rights and democracy.
The EU has further developed guidelines on key human rights issues, enhanced the effectiveness of bilateral human rights and democracy work, successfully promoted action at the multilateral level, and improved the mainstreaming of human rights across the EU's external action.
More determined effort
The Council also welcomes the important work of EU Special Representative for Human Rights Stavros Lambrinidis, who greatly contributes to the effectiveness, coherence and visibility of EU human rights policy, and expresses full political support for his work.
Today's complex crises and widespread violations and abuses of human rights and fundamental freedoms require ever more determined efforts by the EU. This action plan should enable the EU to meet these challenges through more focused action, systematic and coordinated use of the instruments at its disposal, and enhanced impact of its policies and tools on the ground.
The EU will put special emphasis on ownership by, and cooperation with, local institutions and mechanisms, including national human rights institutions and civil society. The EU will promote the principles of non-discrimination, gender equality and women's empowerment.
Conflicts and crises
The EU will also ensure a comprehensive human rights approach to preventing and addressing conflicts and crises, and further mainstream human rights in the external aspects of EU policies in order to ensure better policy coherence, in particular in the fields of migration, trade and investment, development cooperation and counter terrorism.
The new action plan has been prepared by the European External Action Service, involving the European Commission and EU member states, all of which are responsible for implementation.
It builds on the 2012-2014 action plan on human rights and democracy, and reaffirms the EU's commitment to the Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy, which will continue to guide the EU's actions in the field.
The action plan will be implemented with the close involvement of the European Parliament and regular consultation with relevant stakeholders, in particular civil society organizations. A midterm review will be undertaken in 2017. The action plan and covers the period until December 31, 2019.
Read the full text of the Council's conclusions on the action plan on human rights and democracy 2015 - 2019 here.