Democracy & Justice

Speechbag Podcast E07: Do Mandatory Vaccinations Violate Human Rights?

Liberties' Senior Advocacy Officer Orsolya Reich answers the question of whether mandatory vaccinations schemes actually violate human rights.

by LibertiesEU

Many European countries have considered mandatory vaccination schemes, and some, like Austria, are pushing ahead with them. That's brought protesters into the streets by the thousands. They claim mandatory vaccines violate human rights. But do human rights groups agree?

Orsolya Reich, a senior advocacy officer at Liberties, joins the Speechbag podcast to discuss why this is not necessarily a human rights issue.

For more on vaccine mandates and human rights, read our Q+A.

Previously on Speechbag

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 |

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