Tecnología y Derechos

Test: ¿Qué meme popular te identifica?

Muéstrale al mundo cuál es el meme que más te gusta - quizá pronto sea demasiado tarde para familiarizarte con los memes más populares de internet. ¿Por qué? Haz el test y descúbrelo.

by LibertiesEU


Si quieres salvar los memes y rechazar la censura, únete a nuestra campaña hoy y exije a tus candidatos electos que defiendan tus derechos. Al fin y al cabo, trabajan para ti.

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As a watchdog organisation, Liberties reminds politicians that respect for human rights is non-negotiable. We're determined to keep championing your civil liberties, will you stand with us? Every donation, big or small, counts.

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Your contributions help us in the following ways

► Liberties remains independent
► It provides a stable income, enabling us to plan long-term
► We decide our mission, so we can focus on the causes that matter
► It makes us stronger and more impactful

Your contribution matters

As a watchdog organisation, Liberties reminds politicians that respect for human rights is non-negotiable. We're determined to keep championing your civil liberties, will you stand with us? Every donation, big or small, counts.

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